Monday, April 26, 2010

Toshiba A200-10z Drivers

Study Group on LinkedIn OPM3 of PMIBA

Buenos Aires Chapter of PMI has opened, through a project that several volunteers are involved, a new group on LinkedIn. This Study Group of PMIBA OPM3. The idea is to establish and maintain an open communication channel that allows the company to recognize the progress of this task force in relation to the standard.
As the Panel, the subgroup OPM3 is open to members and non members of the Chapter. While I invite friends to join, I leave the text of the first message that hung in the group, aimed at clarifying the vision and mission of the study team Standard
More and more success stories that can be computed globally in relation to the application of the OPM3 standard, with a healthy "new" in Latin America where there are examples of use in countries such as Chile, Mexico and Peru. In Argentina's interest demonstrated by companies is increasing, with more and more consultations to conducting evaluations.
OPM3 Study Group Chapter Buenos Aires, Argentina, PMI is born as a result of the need for greater depth and knowledge dissemination of the standard in the country. Consists of a team of volunteers PMIBA, serving with this initiative, one of the Volunteer Projects Portfolio Chapter. The project had its Kick-Off in October 2009 and the Study Group now consists of 17 persons from various regions of the country and remains open to additions. At the meeting Release, dated 29/10/2009 missions were established and the vision of the team.
can be summarized as follows: We conclude that the vision of the Research Group of PMIBA OPM3 will be based on comprehensive standard broadcast in Argentina, beyond what is known so far . As an overall goal for the future, is set as a super goal, the study group of PMIBA accompanying OPM3 organizations of Argentina in the adoption and application of the model, helping to establish the Degree of Maturity in Project Management country.
While the Misiones:
or study in depth the OPM3 standard, and the Program and Portfolio.
or disseminate the standard in all Committees and Branches of the Chapter.
o Establish a mechanism for scaling as the Board for help when needed.
or study in depth the process of certification of the PMI OPM3 Consultant.
o Work on the recommendation of a new SIG at PMI OPM3.
or study the intersection between CMMI and OPM3. Link to Best Practices of other models.
o Study of PM Maturity Models complementary (PMMM case of Kerzner).
and delving into Online and OPM3 OPM3 Product Suite.
or investigate specific areas of application and set examples for benchmarking activities.
or investigation of the benefits of implementing a comprehensive standard, so the recommended PMIBA consideration to organizations with as many elements of analysis possible.
or Match the Vision and Mission of the organizations with which contact is made with the possibility OPM3 implement a strategy.
o Develop a strategy for pre-assessment: this means to accompany the organizations on a preliminary analysis to see if they are able to begin to implement OPM3.
or Search synergy between the study group and other volunteer projects PMIBA.
or establish all the necessary mechanisms for internal communication of the Group, the Group's Board and the community at large (Google Docs, LinkedIn, etc.)..
LinkedIn This subgroup refers to this last mission and is now a reality. We hope your participation! Questions, questions, jobs, debates ... Everything about OPM3, Program Management and Portfolio Management, will be more than welcome. To achieve these objectives, the activities in 2010 will be divided into teams that will report to Project Manager and Project Sponsor's OPM3 PMIBA containing the Study Group.
The Group was successfully launched on the scale of the PM Tour Argentina Cono Sur 2009, in November of that year in the city of Buenos Aires, in an event that brought together around 600 participants belonging to world of Project Management.
Raúl Bellomusto, PMP


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