Sunday, October 25, 2009

Spanish Boobs Rate Fotos

Deep Purple - Machine Head

A disc hinge in the history of rock.
has a thousand times told the story of this album. I think any work of art that lasts over time have to have a story behind.
The Purple had found their sound on their previous album, In Rock after a search that took them from pop to symphonic rock and funk-soul. And now they wanted to capture their live sound but in a studio album, so they arranged to rent a place called "The Casino" in Montreaux, Switzerland to set up a studio on site and burning the disc playing live without the public.
The night before the sessions began playing Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention and decided to go see them. In Zappa moment finished playing a song and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, I do not want to alarm but ... FUEGOOOOOO!" .
A madman with a flare fired into the barbecue that decorated the stage. Needless to say, the Casino is not nothing but a cloud of smoke on the water ...
This fateful fact made after several attempts in different places, find a hotel closed for being off-season and reassembled at the mobile studio the Rolling Stones and the magic happened.
if you already listened and did not know the story, pay attention to this new disc. Another of my favorites.


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