Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cervical Polyps Removal Removal

Free Software, Free Hardware! Are there any higher? Software

OpenMoko is an Open Source project to create the first free operating system for mobile phones worldwide. Behind this project is a community where you can join anyone to design their ideal phone.

Phone Company Neo1973 FIC ( First International Computer) was the first Free Smartphone in worked OpenMoko. The fact that it is free to test new ideas - even ideas that phone companies do not benefit. The fully control a mobile phone is priceless, offering new possibilities for people, so far, has only dream. Ole Tange

comes from Denmark and has been involved in the development of the OpenMoko project since November 2006. For him, the use of Free Software in the mobile phone is the greatest innovation that has happened since the introduction of GNU / Linux .


As many will know has a version ' Mobile ' to mobile devices over the surprise that someone has bothered to make a port for OpenMoko , operating system based on GNU / Linux of Neo Freerunner, the first smartphone free.

For those who do not know, gvSIG is a tool oriented to manage geographic information . As a Geographic Information System (GIS) is a desktop application designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze and display all forms of geographic information.

gvSIG Mobile aims extend gvSIG execution platforms to a range of mobile devices to meet the needs of a growing number of mobile solutions users who wish to make use of GIS in different types devices. It is also the first customer these features licensed as free software.

Free Software, Free Hardware! Are there any higher?


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