Monday, October 23, 2006

What Does It Look Like When Your Period Starts


is the branch of dentistry which studies the diseases of the tooth supporting tissues (gingiva, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone).
gum disease is an inflammation that can progress to involve the bone that surrounds and supports teeth. It is caused by bacteria, constantly forms on teeth and sticky transparent film.
healthy gums
If not removed through daily brushing and flossing, plaque accumulates and bacteria can infect not only your gums and teeth, but eventually the gum tissue and bone supporting the teeth. This may be a cause for teeth to become loose, fall or by a dentist has to remove.
The less severe condition known as gingivitis, as the disease progresses these are filled pockets form of infection and destroy more tissue, bone and teeth become loose and eventually lost.
What are the symptoms of periodontal disease?

• Bleeding when brushing or flossing.
• Gums that will expose the roots of the teeth.
• red gums, enlarged and easily mobile.
• mobile teeth and begins to separate.
• Pus between the gum and tooth.
• Persistent bad breath.
• Changes in the position of the bite of the teeth.
• Changes in the settings of the removable prosthesis.
• Increased space between the teeth.

However, it is possible to have periodontal disease without noticing any of these signs, for this reason it is important to ask for a periodontal evaluation.

Advanced Periodontitis is why in our services included: simple routine scale

Commonly known as dental cleaning is a medical procedure performed to remove calculus or tartar that forms around the teeth. The dentist through manual techniques or ultra sonic (depending on the case) follows the local irritants, which cause bleeding and swollen gums, and in many cases better known as halitosis or bad breath, and tissue damage as hard Tanes alveolar bone. This procedure is performed with the aim of achieving normal tissues supporting the teeth. Pulido

  • dental or oral prophylaxis:

complements of scaling or cleaning, is a medical procedure through which is achieved in the teeth and shiny surface by the action of mechanical means that hinder the formation of dental plaque and calculus. To this end we used rubber cones or special brushes in conjunction with an abrasive paste.


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