Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Golden Airsoft Pistol

PMP Exam Preparation Course Readings: Green Blog Project managemet

We spell out of World Cup football fan. I check the blog and see my passion for Jabulani, coupled with the cabal built in the last 30-odd days, have seriously affected its continuity and thoroughness. See also I spent some time between games to make up the publication of another way, taking a look and feel different coming to have the site.

Well, it's time to retake the lost line, to tie up loose ends. Of incorporating the tickets promised to begin to retrace the path of serial "Being PMP" . In short: so.

To begin without delay, given the end of the World as we said (by the way, health Spain!), I will post here something taken from the network of networks. This is the next article, very interesting, about the ecology in Project Management. I hope you enjoy it. As you read, start to rearrange the ideas for this blog go ahead normally. At least until Brazil 2014 ...

Green Project Management "New trends in project management?

Project managers have always been green, perhaps without their knowledge. By definition, project managers are constantly trying to reduce costs, increase value for our stakeholders and to protect scarce resources, which means they have taken on a green. In our minds, All processes used to achieve the objectives of the project management, have simply been fragmented and lack the environmental label.

Remember when project management was considered an "accidental profession?. With the help of organizations like the Project Management Institute (PMI ®) and the hard work of a lot of people, project managers are leading the changes necessary to continue the viability of the business, hence the project management today today is a high demand career option.

With the trend toward green business, we feel that the project manager is "accidentally green, and need not be. The same disciplines, standards and methods that have made the project manager an integral part of the business environment can be applied to green business environments, resulting in a structured approach to the green project management. Only see a bit of depth in the green project management and what we find is what is now a project manager.

If project management is more than save the environment why project management needs to have a label that qualifies as "green"?. If you love trees or skeptic, there is increasing "Green wave" of environmentalism. You can browse or just looking at it from the shore and this is not going away. The project managers see their projects through many lenses: financial, schedule, quality. Many experts and knowledge of the area believe that a project should also be seen through the lens of the project environmental team to increase their thinking long term and build on the green wave. It also makes sense purely from a professional standpoint. Only in the United States, 130 billion dollars have been set for energy-related projects as part of government stimulus spending.

But what are you looking at when you look through the lens environment?. How does that help define the green project management?. Looking through this lens, allows project managers to search and view opportunities within a project to save scarce resources and ask questions like: What part of processes such as design, plan, execute, close, and more there we can save energy?. We're not just talking about carbon emissions.
We also refer to human energy, but this can lead again as the carbon footprint. For example, it is more efficient to have virtual meetings Relocating to hold face to face meetings. With all the technological advances currently available, make a video is easy, economical and even fun, it's almost like being there in person, except that it saves time in transfer money and of course, consumption of fossil fuels.

If the possibilities permit, should be equipped to project team members with e-readers so that they can download all the documents and so would save paper?. Does not that make it more convenient to maintain and review the latest documents without having to make the effort to turn on the computer, saving manpower and other types?.

These are just a few things to consider for the project team especially if they work remotely (as seems to be the trend these days). However, there are many more reasons to be green to help the project managers.

We do not believe that the green project management is limited to managing environmental aspects of a project. We feel that is connected to the corporate social responsibility, triple bottom line, the four features of the Natural Step sustainability, and 4 Ls in English (Read, Learn, Linked and Lasting, Reducing, Learning, Link and Durability).

Green Project management is about people, planet and profitability, but also about: eliminating our contribution to the accumulation of toxic chemicals (DDT, PCB), addressing our contribution to the destruction of nature and eliminate our contribution to remove the ability of humans to meet their needs.

Finally, the green project management is: to reduce waste and make operations more efficiently, share lessons learned for organizational growth, connecting companies with environmental management plan and think long term. Doing this, of course it helps the planet, but this kind of thinking also have implications for the success of the project and organization.

That certainly sounds a lot responsibility placed on the shoulders of the project manager. But project managers already have the inherent skills and experience to carry out their projects with a green intent. Here's what to do, because it will affect positively the triple bottom line and help the project team to do the right things.

Authors: Dave Shirley and Rich Maltzman
Source: Leader Proyecto.com


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