Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How Are Males Affected By Hpv? example of transparency in government using GIS

If you could be identified by an active map and navigate what is being spent in their city government, municipality or region?

imagine the impact that these data would have in promoting civic participation and social control?, the official website of the U.S. government to monitor federal anti-crisis plan, was relaunched yesterday with a veritable treasure trove of new data that allows visitors to see - literally - where you your tax money .

New maps, created with tools and templates developed by geographic information systems (GIS) and display data from all 50 states including federal contracts, grants and loans where users can view the details for their own state, county or town.

The use of GIS maps to show geopositioning and government spending programs is unprecedented and "opens people's eyes to the power of mapping as a way of communicating government policy . People can see decisions of his government and the consequences of those decisions, "said one of the project managers.


Such initiatives are valuable for promoting democracy and citizen participation in our countries, examples like this should be replicated and suggested to government wishing to promote transparency in governance.


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