Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Online Bangbros Watch

geospatial data infrastructure to serve the Venezuelan

IGVSB The CNTI and unite to develop a free software system that facilitates capture, store , analyze and display geographically referenced information, to promote planning and management efficiency.

On Monday 13 October, the National Centre for Information Technology (CNTI) under the Ministry of Popular Power for Telecommunications and Computer (MPPTI) and the Geographic Institute of Venezuela Simon Bolivar (IGVSB) under the Ministry of Popular Power for the Environment (Minamb) signed an Agreement of Interinstitutional Collaboration with the aim of combining efforts for the development of Geospatial Data Infrastructure Venezuela (IDEgeoVEN), Free Software and open standards.

CNTI president, Carlos Figueira, said the signing of the agreement formalises the work done with the governing body of matter-IGVSB-mapping since 2007 with the aim of providing the National Public Administration and the wider community cartographic information certified, secure and easily accessible, free of charge.

Figueira added that this system will manage information relevant to different sectors of the country, which will promote the efficient planning of projects for the benefit of government administration and community development.

The agreement includes the creation of a Community Geographic Information System that will enable progress in various areas of local interest. "The communal councils receive free technology tools and training necesaria para acceder de forma sencilla a la información geográfica publicada en esta plataforma”, apuntó Figueira.

La presidenta del IGVSB, Merly García La Rosa, recalcó la importancia estratégica que reviste para el estado venezolano desarrollar una infraestructura de datos de forma mancomunada con las instituciones del Estado; en un muestra de articulación orientada al logro de la soberanía e independencia tecnológica de Venezuela y la democratización del conocimiento.

Fuente: Centro Nacional de Tecnologías de Información (CNTI)


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